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Welcome to Innoplore Training & Consultancy (ITC)

Key Benefits

  • We prepare organizations to effectively cope with the changes in their internal and external environments, adopt the innovation ‘best practices’, develop the required innovation capabilities, implement an effective ‘idea management system’, and strengthen their ‘innovation ecosystem’; and thereby increase their innovative output and competitiveness.
  • We prepare organizations to be aligned with the ISO-56002 innovation guidelines and its upcoming innovation standards to develop and maintain their Innovation Management System (IMS).
  • Our offered trainings and consultancy services are tailored to the clients’ specific requirements and performance gaps, as identified by our innovation self-assessment audit survey (IIA).
  • The training and consultancy solutions are flexible as they could be provided both online or onsite, depending upon the budgetary conditions, travel constraints, and strategic preferences of our clients.
  • The period of engagement is also flexible as it could be short-, medium-, or long-term, depending upon the specific requirements of our clients, as well as the nature and scope of the engagement.
  • The ITC standard package includes a minimum of 5 hours of engagement for training and consultancy. The split of hours between training and consultancy shall be mutually agreed with the clients as per their specific needs and requirements. For the additional hours of engagement, the client shall be charged on a pro rata basis, subject to the length and scope of the engagement.
  • The ITC engagement as a trainer, consultant or practitioner is to bring about and implement the desired changes within the organizational context. The adopted approach will be quite practical, and we would work closely with the leadership, management team, and the relevant group of employees and innovation team members of our client organization.

ITC Training

  • The provided ITC innovation management trainings are not generic in nature but are specifically focused on developing the required innovative capabilities in organizations, as per the gaps indicated by the results of the IIA self-assessment survey. Through our technical part of the training, we help organizations strengthen their innovation ecosystem and their idea management system using our IIP innovation platform.
  • The training sessions are fully interactive and action-oriented with the help of insightful and illustrative slides, bite-sized tutorials from Innoplore innovation guidebook (a specifically designed document for the IIA surveyed organizations in about 250 pages with explaining all the relevant concepts, examples, cases, useful resources, and activities), as well as a careful selection of supportive multimedia content. The training content are organized with having in mind a pragmatic and practical approach to address the key issues faced by the organizations, rather than just delivering a standard theoretical content on a slideshow.
  • The focus of training is to actively engage the audience into discussions to ‘co-create’ the knowledge and innovation insights which are contextually relevant and embedded; so that the learned lessons and best practices could be smoothly implemented to effectively bring about the desired changes within the organizational context. Our training program effectively employs the ‘IIA model’ to answer the three critical questions, which are to: 1) first ‘Inform’ or Introduce’ (answer ‘What) about the meaning and scope of a specific concept; 2) then Inspire’ the audience (answer ‘Why’) about the relevance and importance of the discussed concept; 3) and finally explain about the ‘Action’ plan or a list of recommended ‘Activities’ (answer ‘How’) to smoothly implement the concept within the organizational context.

ITC Consultancy

  • Our innovation consultancy and practitioner services meet the specific needs and shortcomings of an organizations, as identified by its IIA self-assessment survey results. The ITC consultancy aims at building the organizational Innovation Management System (IMS) through developing its innovative capabilities, innovation ecosystem, and idea management system.
  • A main purpose of our consultancy services is to complete the innovation audit process in depth, as a complementary and subsequent solution to IIA self-assessment survey of an organizational client. The organizations often require further support to effectively implement the recommended activities and suggested actions (as suggested in our innovation guidebook); so that to successfully implement the recommended action plans and suggested activities to produce the desired results.
  • The consultancy solution involves both the quantitative and qualitative research methods and analytical tools. Some of the prime activities at this stage include designing of the tailored surveys and templates, conducting formal and informal interviews, leading focus-group discussions, preparing executive reports, running awareness campaigns, delivering workshops presentations, close observations, document analysis, and conducting an action research and ethnographic study by becoming part of the organizational environment, and thus working closely with the executive leadership and innovation teams.
  • The organizations can subscribe to our services by either outsourcing certain parts of their innovation processes and activities to us for a specified (relatively a shorter) period of time in a project mode, or alternatively they may also consider Innoplore as their strategic partners to engage us with their core innovation teams for a longer period of time in order to effectively realize a documented and sustainable change implementation program and its desired results.
  • Both modes of engagement have their own advantages, and it also depends on the organization’s budget constraints and strategic priorities. For details, please discuss your specific needs and requirements through an online free video conferencing session over Skype or Zoom. For that purpose, please check out the ITC Free package, and communicate with us through email, phone, or by sending us a message below.

Subscribe to Our Solutions

Innovation Sprint


  • A unique training program that is designed to transform an organizational mindset and its business practices
  • Online (live) training program
  • Duration - 2 Days
  • The possibility of on-site training is subject to travel restrictions and could be discussed
  • A max. of 20 participants/session to effectively engage everyone in discussions and workshops
  • To checkout:
  • Day 1 (Discussions): 2 sessions, Q&A, Recap
  • Setting the stage
  • Discussing the 5Ws and 1H of innovation
  • Exploring innovation from concepts to applications
  • A concise recap of discussions to connect the theory with practice
  • Day 2 (Workshops): 2 sessions, Q&A, Recap
  • Session 1:
  • Assessing the Innovative Capabilities of the organizations by employing the IIA Self-Assessment Survey (1 pillar, 59 practices)
  • A complementary IIA Free package with access to assessment of Pillar A (only) along with around 50-pages guidebook (Pillar A)
  • For Details:
  • Session 2:
  • Developing the Idea Management and Innovation Ecosystem of organizations
  • Building the Innovation Management System of organizations by employing the IIP Platform
  • A complementary IIP Free package with one-month free trial with technical support
  • Admin with 100 users and 1GB files upload
  • For Details:

ITC Customized

Contact Us

  • Discuss your specific requirements with us and we will design a customized and scalable solution for you that would suit your unique context to build your organization’s innovation management system, ecosystem, innovative capabilities, and idea management system through our bespoke training and consultancy (ITC) solution to produce the desired impacts and improvements.
  • Contact us to discuss it further

Contact us to schedule a free video call with one of our expert trainers or practitioners so we could first understand the user-context and your specific requirements to suggest or design a suitable solution to meet your requirements. An organization is sent a separate quote for approval based on the nature of assignment, type of offered solutions and services, and the duration and mode of engagement (online/on-site).

If your specific needs and requirements do not match with our provided standard solution, then please Contact Us (call, email, or send us a message), so we could discuss how to design a customized solution for you that better suits your individual requirements.

Send Us a Message

Please share your comments, suggestions, concerns, and questions with us. We will be delighted to listen to you, and to assist you with any of your queries as soon as possible.